Publishing Industry Perspectives

Here are some updates and opinions related to the scholarly publishing industry.
The Future of Academic Publishing
Nature asked a diverse group of scientists to comment on the future of academic publishing. They discuss systemic issues, challenges and opportunities, and share their vision for the future.
Springer Nature acquires
Researchers will now have the option to make their protocols openly available on the fully OA platform
2023 JCRs 'redefine trust and impact'
Nandita Quaderi explains the important changes to the 2023 Journal Citation Reports release
As Plan S Takes Effect, Some Anticipate Inequitable Outcomes.
The plan’s signatories look to make the results of their funded research available to everyone, but some scientists say the transition to open access has led to climbing publication fees and could exacerbate global disparities.
Wavering impact-factor trajectories
Editorial from Nature Biomedical Engineering explains why convetional reasoning behind yearly changes in impact factors is mostly flawed.
Ghost-writing Peer Reviews Should Be a Thing of the Past
Ghost-writing peer reviews needs to be discouraged to uphold research integrity.that serve all members of the scientific community.