Publishing Industry Perspectives

Here are some updates and opinions related to the scholarly publishing industry.
2024 Highly Cited Researcher Analysis
This list identifies and celebrates individuals who have demonstrated significant and broad influence in their fields of research.
Altmetric adds Clinical Guidelines as an attention source for publications
This change allows Altmetric to track the impact of research in clinical practice.
MetaROR is a new open peer review platform for metaresearch
Launched by AIMOS and RoRI, the new platform aims to transform how metaresearch is reviewed and shared.
Standard Terminology for Peer Review: Where Next?
Michael Willis provides an update to his previous talk about standardizing peer review terminology.
MIT’s Latest Report on the future of Open Access Policy
The report identifies key research questions in order to advance open science and scholarship.
SSP Announces EPIC Awards
These awards are designed to celebrate outstanding achievements in scholarly publishing, information technology, and communications.