Publishing Industry Perspectives

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Here are some updates and opinions related to the scholarly publishing industry.

Clarivate has released the latest Journal Citation Report
This year’s edition of JCRis out, with coverage of more than 21,800 journals.

More awareness of open access needed as Japan deadline looms
A recent survey suggests that researchers in Japan are not completely prepared for the free to read publishing model.

The Interplay Between Copyright Licensing and Exclusive Rights; AI Edition​
Roy Kaufman elaborates on why copyright licensing is not as complex as it is made to appear.

2024 public data file available, with new experimental format
This updated Crossref metadata file includes new formats to make public data files easily usable by others.

European Council: The New ‘AI Act’ Gets Final Approval
The EU Artificial Intelligence Act regulates AI systems by risk level, with high fines for violations. The law goes to effect in June.

Knowledge Unlatched Cites 20-Percent Usage Increase
The 2024 ‘Open Access Heroes’ report from Knowledge Unlatched sees its titles getting 26 million interactions, a 20-percent increase.

IOP Publishing report reveals peer review capacity not used to its full potential
IOP publishing has released its latest State of Peer Review 2024 report, which reveals regional and career-stage disparities among reviewers.

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